Sunday, September 29, 2013

class thoughts: week 1!

So this blog is mainly for my family relations class. Insights and thoughts and everything else from that class. So here we go! This week we talked about things like trends seen in families with one parent verses families with two parents. I thought it was interesting because in class, we talked about how children coming from a family with 2 parents get an average of 8/10 on a test, but children with only 1 parent get an average of 6/10 on a test. I have never really thought of the fact that having two parents can affect things like your school work. We also talked about divorce and the effects that has on kids too. People whose parents are divorced are more likely to be divorced also. They also are more likely to have premarital sex and they are more likely to get married at a later age. The effects divorce has on a child is more serious than I ever realized. So that is what I learned about in class this week. I look forward to this coming week and learning more about families (my favorite subject)!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A step into my world...

Hi, I'm Allison McClellan. I am just a city girl livin in a small town world. I'm just your average Texas girl, with lots of Texas pride. Not only are my sisters my best friends but my world. I would do anything for them. I am a Mormon. I know it, I live it, I love it. In high school I was a manager for the drill team. Even though I made so many great memories in high school, I am making even better ones in college. I am currently a student at Brigham Young University- Idaho. Lets just say there is a big difference between Idaho and Texas. Every time it goes below 50 degrees I just want my humid Texas heat back. I enjoy shopping, sleeping and watching Hannah Montana with my family. Someday when I die, I want everyone to wear pink at my funeral. Clearly pink is my favorite color. My favorite music is country! I love a good granola bar and where ever I go you will see me with a water bottle in hand. Anywho, now that you know my life story, continue to read along about how I love to live my life by walking on sunshine. 